Fashion design to document heritage and civilization using QR codes

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer - Clothing and Fashion Technology Department - Faculty of Applied Arts - Banha University


Technological progress and modern technologies in the digital environment were not limited to replacing information and research, but became one of the most important means of design, due to its speed and modern techniques, it has been used in many design programs in general, and fashion in particular, because of the techniques it provides and more opportunities for innovation and creativity.
In view of the technological progress in all different fields, it has become one of the most prominent features of the transition from the traditional environment to the digital environment, to replace paper publications with electronic information repositories, to help speed and ease its circulation. One of the most important means of preserving Egyptian civilization and heritage is its documentation, so it was Using digital technology to document and preserve civilization and heritage in an innovative way, by designing configurations that follow modern artistic trends for (a piece, motif, place or personality), whether it is heritage or civilization separately, and converting this configuration into a QR code and placing it on clothing that conforms to all categories once the smartphone camera is opened in front of the QR code (transformed configuration), the image of the original item of this configuration and information about it appears, whether this item (a piece, motif, place or character) is cultural or heritage. The designs of the formations and clothing pieces were built on two axes: (the first axis: adapting the design to fashion and modern artistic trends, the second axis: realizing the technology of QR code codes), the extent of honesty and stability of them was verified, in addition to verifying the extent to which these axes were achieved through questionnaires. Assessed by specialized arbitrators, and it was concluded from it that the axes were verified in the designs, and thus the purpose of the research was achieved, which is to design fashion to preserve heritage and civilization using rapid response codes.


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