The Effectiveness of Artistic Formation of Hand Knitted Samples in Enriching the Aesthetic and Functional Values of Some furinishing and accommodation supplements

Document Type : Original Article



2 king Khalid university


Good use of interior design supplements has an important role in beautifying the home and giving joy and beauty as the coordination of interior design supplements is a management process that includes planning and organizing the shape of the house in a beautiful and appropriate manner that brings pleasure, happiness and reassurance to family members. Furnishings play a major role in our home life and have become a necessity for every house because of their functional and aesthetic importance, however, the design factor plays an essential role in raising the value of the furnishings functionally and aesthetically. The problem of research was in how to take advantage of the fine values of the samples of manual knitting to enrich the aesthetic and functional values of some furniturings and accommodation supplements.
The aim of this research is to introduce experimental approaches to employing manual knitting samples in some furniturings and accommodation supplements, and study the artistic design methods for furnishings and accommodation supplements and reformulated in a new type to increase the aesthetic experience enjoyable and raise the value of products. Descriptive method and statistical methods were used to compare and analyze the results through the implementation of 12 different pieces of furnishings and accommodation supplements using manual knitting samples with the beauty of form and presented to 10 specialists for evaluation in terms of design and decorative composition, implementation method, functional purpose.
One of the most important results of the research is that there is a statistically significant relationship between the possibility of the formation of manual knitting samples and enriching the aesthetic and functional values of some of furnishings and accommodation supplements. Based on the results, the designs were arranged in terms of preference, came in the first place piece (10) and then followed by pieces numbers (1, 6, 4, 9, 11, 3, 2, 5, 7, 12, 8), and in the light of the results the study recommended the expansion of applied research based on the utilization of various technical skills in the formation of furnishings and accommodation supplements.


Main Subjects

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