Innovated molds to produce Glass Vents for architecture

Document Type : Original Article


1 Glass Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University, cairo, egypt.

2 Assistant Prof in Glass Department - Faculty of Applied Arts Helwan University

3 Faculty of Applies Arts, Helwan university


This research is exposed to a new type of glass products, which are glass vacuums that are used in internal and external architecture, which require special molds that we may increase the number of its parts to suit the nature of the structural body of the glass vacuums to be obtained and the method of pressing used in their production, and at the same time we can obtain vacuums It can be installed together and installed in architecture. These molds may sometimes be similar to some of the glass products molds used in the method of pressing, but they are different from them at other times to ensure the safety of glass exit from the mold that has a different nature from the products that are produced by traditional pressing molds such as tiles and glass bricks used in architecture, so Several experiments are needed to find suitable parts of the molds with which to obtain these vacuums, and the research went through a design study for one of the types of glass vacuums, which is a vicious unit. A design study was made for the molds, passing through a template consisting of a part and a multi-part template of different types and a sister Bar each of them until arriving at the best template suitable for the production of that vacuum unit and then adopting that template and making a prototype for an alternative material after drawing them as three-dimensional cut-outs achieving the selected idea with the help of printing to produce plastic models and then testing those models to ensure the success of the idea and safe exit of the product using the alternative material for the molten The glass and after successful testing of the models, the actual application of the template is made by selecting the best suitable materials for the mold to produce the glass unit. Molded glass melt, producing the hollow glass unit that was studied and suitable for application in the fields of internal and external architecture.


Main Subjects

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مصانع إنتاج الزجاج:
1-     شرکة النصر لصناعة الزجاج والبللور، ان جى سى، الشرقاویة، اول طریق القناطر، دمنهور شبرا، أول شبرا الخیمة، القلیوبیة، جمهوریة مصر العربیة.
2-     -مصنع سیتی جلاس للزجاج، 2أ، المنطقة الصناعیة الثالثة، العاشر من رمضان، محافظة القلیوبیة، جمهوریة مصر العربیة.
3-     مصنع أوبال الشعراوی للزجاج، طریق مصر الإسکندریة الزراعی، محافظة القلیوبیة، جمهوریة مصر العربیة.