effectiveness of Accessory multifunctionality and how it fits contemporary woman's garments

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Applied Arts Damietta University

2 Prof. in Glass department, in Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 Assistant Lecturer at Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


In the event of accident accident in the field of clothing industry and fashion, and with an interest in creativity
And innovators in developing nations. Creative people are a national wealth and a drive for progress in any society,
Those who suffer from various problems in life
Hence, it is necessary to urge the development of building behavior inherent in the designer, and his strategy
To take up his designs.
This huge industry contributes greatly to the national economy, which does not develop unless we reduce the gap < br>Between the local level and the global level, and with the overlap of disciplines in all fields and the emergence
New materials with multiple functions, it was necessary to search for solutions and ideas to update the style of presentation
For women's clothing, which manufacturers and fashion designers need to promote their products
Although the garment industry is involved in advancing the development, running small enterprises
And the medium is labor-intensive. However, the idea of displaying in an innovative way depends on imagination and innovation
You may not have gained enough attention in Egypt, and the illustrator’s profession is also taking care of him
Sufficient by those in charge of this important industry, despite the importance of this profession and its influence on the inspiration of its owners
From the designers of international fashion houses, to reformulate ideas in a bold, innovative way and employ it
To serve the methods of presentation and use it as an ad material to promote marketing and open new horizons for products with a new vision.
It is in this spirit that the research topic was thought out so as to allow the garment industry to strengthen
Design ideas, by devising bold presentation methods and introducing innovative materials with a vision
Download fantasy. By supporting the profession of illustrator, to attract consumers and promote this industry in Egypt


Main Subjects

  1. قائمة المراجع

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    ثالثًا: المراجع الإلکترونیة

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