Use advertising as a communication tool to overcome product harm crisis through image restore theory of institution

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Applied Arts

2 Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 Applied Arts - Helwan University


Once product harm crisis occurs, the institution focuses on managing open relationships with all audiences and the various media where we find a very big role in dealing with the events of the crisis, The institution can make a perfect relationship to communicate with all the parties concerned by using advertising to convey a direct message by quick and efficient way, Enterprise advertising is of great importance before and after a product harm crisis, Advertising before the crisis can leave a significant positive impact for the brand in the market, as it can mitigate the harmful effects on the future of the organization in sales and cash flows, and this enhances investor confidence in the horizons of the affected institution, and advertisements have an important role in influencing consumer expectations, for large advertising spending Before the crisis can lead to high expectations about product quality.
After the institutions were exposed to large waves of negative criticism and crises, the researchers called for greater integration of institutional communication strategies and the use of the theory of mental image recovery, to improve the long-term reputation of the institution, and communication strategies have evolved to meet these challenges, so the role of institutional advertising has gradually expanded beyond the purposes Promotional.
So, it aims to create a positive attitude and improve positive feelings directly towards the institution in the eyes of consumers, and the organization’s announcements are of particular importance at the time of the crisis, because it allows institutions to provide quick responses to the crisis with a unified voice while presenting its various messages in an organized manner through many multiple communication channels, so it happens Communicate directly with a large number of audiences, so we find the Foundation’s ads of great strategic value in the context of communicating with crises.and Displays Successful experience of the Toyota Foundation to manage the product harm crisis, And applying image restore theory, And how to use advertising as an effective means of communication with the masses of the institution, The broadcast of special advertising messages to correct the impressions and negative effects of the crisis in an attractive and creative form, At the end of the research analyzed some models of product harm crisis suffered by some Egyptian institutions.


Main Subjects

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ثالثاً : مواقعالإنترنت:
18. -20-11-2019