Studying The Evolution of Lighting units Techniques in Islamic Art

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Applied Arts

2 Professor and Head of Department of Sculpture, architectural formation and restoration department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University, Egypt.

3 Lecturer in Sculpture, architectural formation and restoration department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University, Egypt.


Lighting is one of the main pillars of life, and since the sun is the main source of natural lighting that can not live without human, industrial lighting was also one of the inventions that have become one of the most important elements of life, where it can compensate the human sunlight in the indoor and when the sun goes down and Night comes.
The Islamic civilization was the best evidence of the development of lighting methods, whether natural or industrial through the product of Islamic teachings and control of religious thought, which had a clear impact in the formation of apertures and the exploitation of light functionally and aesthetically, and the exploitation of the Islamic artist for natural lighting from sunlight through Exposed plates and courtyards that allow sunlight to enter the building as we find in the Mosque of Amr ibn al-Aas and the mosque of Ahmed bin Tulun.
Inside the building, the architect bent on shakhaikha, al-madaoui, mashrabiya, solar and almagaf.
This is about the exploitation of the Islamic artist for natural lighting. As for the industrial lighting units, the Islamic industrial lighting units were and still are very important in identifying the features of Islamic arts in Egypt and the Maghreb. The most important of these are the chandeliers, the ubiquitous and the waxes that dominated the industry, the most important of which are the "ways" for the formation of copper, silver and gold, and the "casting" for bronze.
It was the product of the mixing of Islamic civilizations of a special character in the Maghreb, where the types of illuminations were known in various forms, including chandeliers, chandeliers, candlesticks and lamps, in addition to the pins that were used for lighting around the mosque, has been devoted to the care of these tools a person called stoker.


Main Subjects

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