value and symbol in the heritage of Applied Amazigh art as a source of design innovation of printing Upholstery fabrics

Document Type : Original Article


Printing, Dyeing & Finishing Textile


The artistic heritage of any nation is one of the most important factors that work for the establishment, continuation and survival of civilization throughout the ages, and applied arts are among the most important sources of reference materials (elements) that the designer can rely on in creating contemporary design ideas that match the general taste. The workers in the field of art and design have never stopped using the arts of ancient Egyptian heritage (Pharaonic - Coptic - Islamic) as well as the arts of ancient civilizations in the countries of Iraq, Andalusia, India, China, etc. In the search for sources to innovate the design of printing fabrics for furnishing. The research focuses on the artistic applied heritage of the Berbers in the Northwest African region, and the research aims to conduct a study of the Amazigh artistic applied heritage in the Arab Maghreb and the high aesthetic and symbolic values it contains and how to benefit from it in inspiring designs suitable for printing woven furnishing fabrics that contribute to enriching the General taste and attention to the aesthetic aspect in the field of printing furnishing fabrics. The research relies on the descriptive analytical approach to study the aesthetic and symbolic values of the decorative vocabulary component of the Amazigh artistic applied heritage, as well as the experimental approach to obtaining a set of innovative design ideas to print contemporary furnishing fabrics and suit public taste in light of oriental customs and traditions The researcher has reached many important results, including that the Amazigh (Berber) art heritage did not have a sufficient amount of study and research in the field of textile printing design, despite its distinguished aesthetic and symbolic values that could assist workers in the field of designing the printing of furnishing fabrics in creating ideas Renewable design, variety and suitable for oriental culture. The researcher recommends in-depth study and analysis of the elements of the Amazigh artistic heritage and making use of them in the field of textile printing design in general and the field of design for the printing of furnishing fabrics.


Main Subjects

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