Shade Architecture of the Arab Rural Mediterranean Residence

Document Type : Original Article


Interior Design and Furniture Department,Faculty of Applied Arts, 6Oct University, Cairo, Egypt


The importance of the research is showing the environmental, cultural and social value of the Arab rural Mediterranean Residence as a regional heritage, where the concept of heritage brings aesthetic and functional values, and is characterized by persistence and continuity together, as it is an honest record of community culture, unity of its human and intellectual features throughout the ages, and a Physical fact imposed its acceptance and respect. Where the word (Tradition) expresses two aspects: the intellectual aspect and the physical aspect.
The research presented the (Shade Architecture) specifically, which is open spaces that connect the interior to the exterior, an expressive spaces with a local concept linking house to environment, It distributes shade and light to the harsh Mediterranean style, Whether it is from a solid construction or soft plant arbors, Where the house is the nucleus for practicing several vital activities.
The problem of research lies in ignoring the architectural heritage of the Arab rural Mediterranean Residence in building and designing our dwellings, so that our dwellings has become as a building without identity papers, and it has become described as a minor or exotic architecture, in line with the name of global design, which led to obliterate the identity of our society. The research aims to evoke (Shade Architecture) and the meanings of residential construction related to the traditions in the Arab Mediterranean area and its closely relation to the surrounding nature, and also aims to conclude architectural, environmental, social criteria that can contribute to design contemporary residence associated with the heritage.
The research presented the concept of (family contracture) as a basic factor in planning, and showed how one living style produced multiple housing patterns, it presented three solutions describes the relationship between dwelling and surrounded nature (Domesticating External Area) (Shade architecture) of Permanent Structure through an analytical approach, then it linked the old to the modern by studying some contemporary installations, Then the results were presented and discussed where the research was able to devise architectural, environmental and social criteria, and it confirmed the existence of social, functional, environmental integration through the design thought of the Arab rural Mediterranean Residence, through shade architecture and its elements: (Patio - Courtyard - garden), it believes that opening to the outside should not be confined to specific cultures, but it is a real demand for all world.


Main Subjects

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