Pros and cons of drawing e-learning

Document Type : Original Article


Painting department - Faculty of Fine Art - Helwan University


The quality of e-learning depends on the ability to convert the educational materials to its electronic form, forming the educational materials in an enjoyable way for most of the learners, the existence of immediate and direct interaction between the teacher and the learner. It is clear from what was stated in the research that e-learning is witnessing continuous development thanks to the emergence of many technical innovations in the fields of communication and information and that the world of e-learning will continue to evolve until it meets all the learners’ needs. Art for a long period of time was the invisible hero responsible for reaching the psychological psyche. Learning to draw and it's like from arts-related subjects will become increasingly important as science reveal its therapeutic and creativity abilities. As for drawing e-learning and practical subjects, although it represents a major challenge at the present time, the need for it will lead to a revolutionary development in it in the future. There is no alternative solution for direct contact in drawing between teachers and students; it will always remain a must. The teacher of drawing is not only entrusted with teaching skills and techniques, but he is also instructed to instruct the learner to form his own artistic identity. With the introduction of the third generation of the Internet represented by the semantic web, learning and teaching art will be transformed from the urge of challenges to the stage of enjoyment and innovation. The electronic libraries will also witness a noticeable development, taking advantage of the research capabilities of the semantic web, where the ease and accuracy of the research process must lead to satisfying the needs of students and faculty members, which will enrich the educational process, from which community services will grow and be more effective


Main Subjects

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