The effectiveness of using the virtual classroom environment in developing the skills of undergraduate students in the clothing project

Document Type : Original Article


Tief university


Research Summary:
Today, the world is undergoing many dangerous changes at the same time due to the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19), which made the whole world go through a real crisis in various fields. The Corona virus affected various areas of life, which worked to stop many of them, and among the most important of these areas The impact of the spread of the Corona Virus is the field of education at all different levels, which made us resort to electronic learning and some of the different electronic channels through which virtual and asynchronous chapters can be made to present the scientific content of the decisions, E-learning is the education that aims to create an interactive environment rich in applications based on computer technologies, which enables the student to access learning resources at any time and anywhere, so that the educational process does not stop and work to simplify the scientific content for it, through the use of learning strategies The electronic, hence the research problem, which is how to teach a clothing project course for undergraduate students using concurrent virtual classes, the research aims to measure the effectiveness of using the synchronized virtual classroom environment in teaching the content of the clothing project decision through doing pre and post test to measure the skills of female students to the course content, The research assumes that there is a statistically significant difference at the level (≤0.05) between the average female students degrees in the pre and post application of the skill performance note card in the curriculum of the clothing project, the results of the research have found that there is a statistically significant difference at the level (≤0.05) between the average female degrees in The pre and post application of the measure of the trend towards the virtual classroom environment in favor of the results of the post-application for the use of concurrent virtual classes in the practical application of the course, and the research recommends attention to the field of e-learning and virtual classes and their application at all university levels.


Main Subjects

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15., Tuesday 12 March Crank 10 pm,2019.