The role of infographics in distance education in light of the Coronavirus crisis in the Faculties of Arts

Document Type : Original Article


Interior Design and furniture, Applied Arts university, Damietta,Egypt


TTechnological progress had a great impact on the educational process. Traditional education in its traditional ways of transferring knowledge is no longer able to meet the requirements of that process. Societies began to search for new forms of education that depend on the learner himself, and does not require the presence of the teacher and the learner in the same time and place, this has led to the emergence of distance education and e-learning those types of education that do not adhere to a specific place or time, not even a certain category or number of individuals. Hence the emergence of a pandemic Corona had a major role in universities to activate distance education more and wider than ever before after universities were forced to close to prevent the spread of the virus.
As education in the faculties of arts is of a special nature differs from other colleges, the distance education in those colleges was printed with a new and different nature, so resorting to various methods such as infographic that brings out information in an artistic framework meets the need for technical specialties better.
Therefore, the research problem is summarized in the following question: How effective is infographics in distance education in art colleges?
Hence, the research aims to study the extent of the effectiveness of infographics as an educational method in distance education in the faculties of the arts in particular, and to determine the effectiveness of distance education in studying the faculties of the arts in general.
termine the effectiveness of distance education in studying the faculties of the arts in general


Main Subjects

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