The reality of applying virtual classes and electronic tests from the viewpoint of faculty members and students of Taif University.

Document Type : Original Article


Helwan university. art of education


This research aims to highlight the concept of virtual classes and electronic tests and types, how to manage them, highlight their advantages and disadvantages, and the steps to be followed for the success of education using virtual classes. It also aims to identify the reality of applying virtual classes and electronic tests at the Faculty of Design and Applied Arts at Taif University
The research also focused on discussing the results of the virtual class questionnaires and electronic tests based on the opinion of faculty members and students about lessons across virtual classes and their desire to deal with them and discussing their experience with virtual classes and electronic tests, as well as the research dealt with a discussion of the importance of virtual classes for students, in addition to obstacles and difficulties to use Accordingly, the research revealed the opinion of the faculty members is somewhat identical with the students towards virtual classes and electronic tests, where it became clear that they are ready and prefer to learn through the system of virtual classes in a large part, especially theoretical subjects, because this is necessary for renewal and is a measure of scientific progress from their point of view, but for practical subjects the opinion is different as the nature of these subjects needs to be treated and interviewed with teachers
The research also recommended in the light of the above need to apply virtual class-rooms and electronic tests, especially in theoretical approaches next to the theoretical part of the curriculum process, so as to facilitate and improve educational practice, especially in the field of distance education.


Main Subjects

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