Ergonomic standards for three dimensional hand-woven products

Document Type : Original Article


College of Art and Design- University of Jeddah-Jeddah-Kingdom of Saudi Arabia



The science of ergonomics is investigated by functional theory, which is the product's conformity to its function, And its suitability with humans. Ergonomics is concerned with solving design problems through proper planning of the workplace, tools and means of operation. This contributes to increased designer efficiency and productivity, and provides convenience and ease of work. To produce fast production rates with less effort and higher efficiency. It is also concerned with the field of security, safety and security to achieve maximum quality in the system of technical specifications and model standards. Stereoscopic handmade tissue is one of the products that has been affected by the standards of ergonomics.
Therefore, the research sheds light on activating the role of ergonomics in stereoscopic handmade textile products, in order to achieve comfort, safety, efficiency and quality of the three-dimensional handmade textile products. The research also aims to achieve a symmetrical relationship between ergonomic standards and stereoscopic handmade textile products, and interest in studying the activation of the standards of ergonomics in the field of stereoscopic manual tissue.
The most important results of the research were summarized on the role of ergonomic standards in the field of textile models for developing product specifications and increasing its ability to compete locally and internationally. The focus of light on the application of the argonomics standards in histological work through the researcher's own experience. It also recommends that the researcher continue research in the science of argonomics, solve productive problems and prepare for them. Instructing male and female students in the variety and applied arts by applying the criteria of ergonomics in the design and implementation of textile works.


Main Subjects

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المواقع الالکترونیة: