the development of a new strategy in visual reading of paintings

Document Type : Original Article


Jeddah University- college of Art and Design- Department of Drawing and Art Saudi Arabia - Jeddah


Research Summary

The research discusses the development of a new strategy in visual reading of paintings and how it could be applied to different paintings by the art specialist recipient .The problem of the research was summed up in finding deficiencies in the visual reading of the paintings and the absence of clear dimensions for some specialists in the field of art. In addition to, no visual reading strategy suits different paintings in the light of the cultural change and the technological development.
The research aims at emphasizing the importance of visual reading, activating its role in appreciating and criticizing paintings for specialists , and creating a new strategy for visual reading that suits all paintings and enriches the field of art in general and painting in particular. The researcher has followed the analytical descriptive approach with a group of fixed and mobile paintings .An open pre and post questionnare has been conducted to measure the effectiveness of the new strategy in reading the paintings.
Research results were summarized as there are shortcomings in the visual reading of some specialists in the field of arts to the paintings .Introducing a new strategy in visual reading that suits all paintings and finding clear dimentions to define this process contribute to the enrichment of the visual culture and the artistic experience of the specialist in the field of arts. Besides,the new strategy is considered efficient to visual reading and appropriate to different paintings in view of the cultural change and the technological development.
According to the research recommendations, attention has to be paid to visual reading and its strategies, strengthening its role in the field of arts , training students in Faculties of Arts on how to do visual reading correctly on a scientific basis in order to make the most of the educational process, and conducting more researches that address the concept of visual reading and its strategies in the field of painting in particular and arts in general.


Main Subjects

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