A proposed vision of distance learning & design learning in light of contemporary technology

Document Type : Original Article


1 art education,specific education,damietta univ.,damietta,egypt

2 art education,specific education,- Al Fayoum Univ,Al Fayoum,egypt


The need is increasing in our time to teach and learn design for art students using multiple educational methods due to the technological development in the methods of teaching , learning and the emergence of advanced educational techniques and media with advanced capabilities that can be relied upon and benefit from their potential in distance education based on printed materials, multimedia, web of information, educational platforms, model applications, social network applications and telegrams.
The use of technological innovations produced by the intermarriage between information technology and education technology in the educational process has become an urgent necessity for educational systems to make a qualitative shift in the objectives they seek to achieve in order to give learners the range of skills that life in the information age requires, such as self-learning skills, informatics skills, technological innovations, and self-management, rather than focusing solely on providing them with knowledge information
The study presents a proposed vision for the teaching and learning of remote design in the light of contemporary technologies and media and shed light on some of the results of their application. Educational applications for these programs have emerged through the creation of interactive channels, which represent a unique and fertile environment for team management and continuous communication with students thanks to its multiple advantages. The proposed vision aims to achieve an advanced level of design education and learning in the fields of teaching and evaluation, and to manage learning by opening channels of continuous communication between faculty and students with multiple learning resources available to them. One of the results of the study is that the diversification of the sources of education and learning design for students of arts and art education based on contemporary technological techniques and their applications may lead to increase the educational and intellectual aspects and technical and conceptual skills they have.
Keywords - (Teaching and Distance Learning, Design, Contemporary Technology)


Main Subjects

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