Distance learning methods and its suitability for teaching applied arts courses

Document Type : Original Article


The higher institute of applied arts


Research Introduction:
The role of distance learning is growing day by day due to its many advantages, especially in situations of urgent need such as the days that accompany the writing of this research and in which humanity faces a danger represented by the spread of the covid 19 virus, which requires the student and the teacher to be present in their homes, and when the educational process is necessary to continue Distance learning is a magical solution to this ordeal, and distance learning means that the teacher performs his job with his students and students by using the Internet. Therefore, it is called distance learning, and it means that there is a distant distance that may separate the teacher from the students. However, they communicate in order to carry out the teaching and learning process. It is no secret to anyone that distance learning and e-learning are still not widely spread in the Arab Republic of Egypt, although there are some successful cases in it, but the sudden transition from the state of typical teaching and learning to distance learning, which was imposed by the crisis, has caused confusion among most of those who teach and also Students are not accustomed to fully communicating remotely and its premium on regardless of the technological problems that teachers and students may face. A sector such as the applied arts sector is very diverse in its curricula taught to students between theoretical and technological decisions and design decisions and the different methods of their teaching and methods Its own assessment made the inevitable question facing any faculty member or teacher is any means of distance learning is best suited to the nature of the decision, which I teach? This research studies the available distance learning methods and their ability to teach in applied arts courses with their various classifications.
Research Problem:
The multiplicity of classifications of applied arts courses and methods of evaluation, which makes it difficult to determine which means of distance education is appropriate for them.
The important results of this research lied in :
Reaching the most successful distance learning methods suitable for application with the applied arts courses.
Research methodology:
The research depends on applying the descriptive analytical approach
Distance Learning , applied arts courses, e-learning


Main Subjects

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