strategic planning to opternalize the potential of education and learning in interior design studio

Document Type : Original Article


1 Badr university

2 Professor in the Faculty of Applied Arts


an introduction
The emergence of knowledge cities in the education sector in the era of information technology and the communications revolution led to a paradigm shift manifested in the transition from education to learning and our future has become largely determined by how we will renew our educational systems so that they are able to establish the features of a designer who is able to interact with and cope with global challenges and even play A fundamental role in its formation.
Statement problem
The trend is to pay attention to obtaining academic accreditation through preparing files and preparing the educational environment in the interior design studios in the era of the information revolution and to benefit from the capabilities of human resources in a way that promotes comprehensive sustainable development, whether in the education and learning sector or in the cultural sector.
Research importance
The importance of the research is due to the employment of educational and learning technology activities and the investment of human resources in the interior design studios in preparing a designer who will rise to the international level in order to enhance the comprehensive and sustainable economic development of the country.
Research target: researchObjective
Creating new pillars and methods of teaching and learning in the College of Applied Arts in general and the Department of Interior Design in particular with the aim of
1- Investing human resources in creating parallel education capable of forming cadres capable of interacting with the challenges of the times and placing them on the ranks of the world in order to enhance sustainable comprehensive quality systems 2- Investing these human resources also in opening areas for artistic culture in a way that promotes sustainable cultural development 3- Setting standards For electronic learning in the interior design program studios
Research hypotheses
The research assumes that there are new methods and methods based on learning the sciences of interior design through e-learning and contractual learning that enable the educational institution and the state to invest in all human, economic and cultural levels, which promotes sustainable development in the field of education and learning and thus sustainable comprehensive economic growth.
Strategic planning - e-learning - contract learning - comprehensive sustainable development


Main Subjects

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