The semiology of drawings and sacred inscriptions in ancient Egyptian arts as as an introduction to a proposed training program distance preparing for visitors of cultural palace

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University

2 painting and drawing department ,faculty of art education ,Helwan university


Abstract: - Heritage is an essential part of the cultural and national identity, both materhkial and moral. It links the members of society to the past, present and future, and thus contributes to the promotion of cultural identity. With the advancement of the era of technology and information, the means of communicating information and displaying it on the Internet have become over time and space, and the contemporary changes of heading to education and distance training have led to the design of electronic training programs. That made the learner more able to interact with others, the speed of holding direct training meetings, and the provision of time to transfer and discuss information and ideas.. And breaking the geographical borders that hinder training operations. And prepare qualified human cadres to push the production sector to growth and continuity.
Sacred paintings in the arts of ancient civilizations are a carrier of meaning, as they carry symbolic connotations that help social and religious communication between ages, because of the semantic and ideological dimensions that they present constitute an important pillar in the expression of human thought and cultural identity.
Accordingly, the applied study will make a training program based on the study of the psychological analysis of the importance of interpreting symbols and signs for sacred drawings in the ancient Egyptian civilization arts to extract the semantical meaning and analyze the foundations of work constructs, including the aesthetic and expressive values that are compatible with the course of contemporary philosophy in order to give a deeper view For learners and classes learned through contemporary electronic programs.

Accordingly, the research assumes:
We can benefit from the semiotic analysis of sacred paintings in the arts of ancient Egyptian civilization as an introduction to a proposed program for distance training for visitores of cultural palaces.

Key words: - semiology - sacred drawings and engravings of ancient Egyptian - training program - distance learning.


Main Subjects

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