The variation of digital processing of Islamic motifs and folk symbols as a source to enrich the decorative painting through remote learning.

Document Type : Original Article


department of design,faculty of art education,minia university


The current study aims to identify the diversity of digital processing of Islamic motifs and some of the folk symbols, as a source of enriching the decorative painting through remote learning, via social sites as e-mail, Whatsapp, or Facebook using Photoshop as a technical processing program by which plastic solutions can be developed for students' work that had been produced in specific sizes and manifolds. This study has used the descriptive-analytical and quasi-experimental methods of research with the intention of producing artwork represented in the decorative paintings through remote learning. . The teaching treatment of synchronous and asynchronous through e learning across specific educational platforms at Minia University ( As well as, communicating with the sample students through social media platforms such as, e-mail, Facebook, and WhatsApp. .
Remote learning has proved its success in this technical experiment, and it has also proved its worth as a replacement for the suspension of on-campus learning due to COVID-19 that has put a halt in how the entire world functions.
This study has also reached several results, and the most prominent is that most of our sample students have produced decorative paintings with creative and plastic solutions. The results also showed the importance and the effectiveness of remote learning on the practical teachings and applied courses.
Finally, these findings were discussed and as a result, a set of recommendations have been suggested. The most prominent of which is, paying attention to the importance of the quality of the infrastructure and the training program that enhance and update our curricula constantly, promote and strengthen the idea of remote learning amongst higher education students in order to raise their training competence. Last but not least, is to take an interest in training university professors on such methods of education to contribute to the distinguished applications inside and outside the university campus.


Main Subjects

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