Anthropology and the development of the didactics: from the propagation of self-confidence and team spirit to creativity and innovation

Document Type : Original Article


High School of Audiovisual and Cinema ESAC Gammath-Carthage University-Tunisia


In an era that is influenced by the dominance of modern technologies, which leads to a high speed of our daily life’s rhythm, the university professor/lecturer/researcher is no longer able to settle for magistral courses, being known that the use of lecturing as an educating methodology, makes the lecturer’s relationship with his students so vertical and dry, and most of all, empty of interest to the rate of comprehension of the course by the students. The professor, with such a vertical pedagogy, not only reduces the ratio of information acquisition by the receiver (student), which does not exceed 5% of the total taught lesson (Lalley & Miller, 2007), but he also overwhelms the classroom with a rigidity and coldness of the atmosphere, which prevent students from interacting with the conference, and even lead them towards losing focus in the lesson and waiting for the timing to leave the lecture hall, filling their lost lesson time with the use of smart phones and the checking of social networks updates.
What if such magistral vertical methodologies become replaced by horizontal interacting relationship between a lecturer and his students? What if, students themselves, collaborate in a lesson preparation and conference giving under their professor’s training? What if lessons become interactive by using mesh-related smartphones as a means of conducting research rather than as an escape from vertical magistral lessons? What if the interactive teaching of the subjects becomes a training workshop, after which the student will become able to conduct research and provide discussions without any confusion or pressure? And most of all: what if a subject teaching’s goal, in addition of transmitting courses, become a means of filling students’ minds with self-confidence, cooperation and exchange spirits, in addition to opening their thinking’s perspectives to innovation and creativity?
We will try to answer all those questions through our communication untitled: Anthropology and the development of the didactics: from the propagation of self-confidence and team spirit to creativity and innovation, through which we will present many historical milestones in the development of teaching curricula, in addition to relying on our own academic experience, which confirms the validity of our vision of the participatory methodology.


Main Subjects

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قائمة التّمثّلات:
تمثّل عدد 1: الدیداکتیکیة فی التاریخ الیونانی-سعی للمزج بین الرّوح الفنّیّة والدّفاعیّة لدى المتعلّم 1124
تمثّل عدد 2: الإلیاذة والأودیسة لهومیروس: زرع الرّوح الوطنیّة فی الطّلبة عبر قصائد ملحمیّة. 1125
تمثّل عدد 3: دیداکتیکیات القرون الوسطى-الدّین أفیون الشّعوب.. 1125
تمثّل عدد 4: رائد بیداغوجیا التّدریس الإیطالی: فیتورینو دا فیلتر. 1125
تمثّل عدد 5 : دیداکتیکیة القاء المحاضرات.. 1125
تمثّل عدد 6: مرفولوجیا(تشکُّلْ) عبارة ابیستیمولوجیا 1126
تمثّل عدد 7: تطبیق نظریّة الاتصال شانون-ویفر على دیداکتیکیّة التّدریس.. Error! Bookmark not defined.
تمثّل عدد 8 :  الهرم الدّیداکتیکی (مقتبس -بتصرّف- من دراسة مختبرات التدریب الوطنیة بیتیل (Lalley and Miller 2007, 67) Error! Bookmark not defined.
تمثّل عدد 9: الدیداکتیکیات الأفقیّة التشارکیّة. Error! Bookmark not defined.
تمثّل عدد 10: استخدام الهواتف الذّکیّة کوسیلة بحث عوضا عن الفرار من الدّرس.. Error! Bookmark not defined.
تمثّل عدد 11: تعویض الدّروس الماجسترالیّة بأخرى تشارکیّة. Error! Bookmark not defined.
تمثّل عدد 12: المناص من روتین قاعات الدّروس المغلقة إلى الزّیارات المیدانیّة. Error! Bookmark not defined.
تمثّل عدد 13: برمجة عروض بحضور مدعویّن، مشفوعة بالنّقاشات وتبادل الأفکار. Error! Bookmark not defined.
تمثّل عدد 14: تکلُلُ الدّیداکتیکیّاتِ التّشارُکِیَّةِ بنجاحِ الطّلبَةِ. Error! Bookmark not defined.