History and aesthetics of the new Arabic novel The novel "The Nights of Isis Copia" Waciny Laredj model

Document Type : Original Article


University of Mira Abdel Rahman Algeria


Talking about the message of literature and what it carries within it is not one of the innovations of this era, rather it is as old as man’s abuse of this art and his need to express the feelings that simmering in himself and interacting with his environment and society in a positive way. The relation of literature to the social milieu in which it shows a strong connection, and a close link with the conditions of the past. The novel and its development on the level of surface and deep structure in the modern era are among the most literary races that have been built on solid foundations and fought different walks of life and dealt with issues in which Algerian society in particular and the Arab in general floundered, during which it expressed a full life or a broad period of time, from Through linking roots and building on the past and the present.
The main problem in this paper is trying to determine the extent of the narrative and historical interaction in the new Arab novel? Through our study of the novel "The Nights of Isis Copia: Three Hundred Nights and One Night in the Hell of a Sparrow" by the Algerian novelist Wacene Al-Araj as a model through which we try to reveal the contributions of history to the development of contemporary Arab narrative discourse? And the ability of the Arab novelist to represent the civilized vision of society and the nation? Was he able to reconcile what is historical and my imagination? And to build a body according to the vision that is consistent with the spirit and peculiarities of contemporary fictional writing?
In order for this study to achieve its desired goal, we divided it into three main axes: The first axis deals with introducing the concept of the novel in language and idiomatically, and the second axis deals with the relationship of the novel with history. What required to stand on the origin of the novel and its development in the West and the Arabs, and devoted the last axis of the applied side of the study to reveal the manifestations of history in the contemporary Arab novel through the novel "Nights of Isis Kobia".


Main Subjects

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