The human scale in Islamic civilization and its role in enriching society with spiritual and artistic values in light of cultural changes in the modern era

Document Type : Original Article


department of Decoration- Higher Institute of Applied Arts New Cairo Academy. N.C.A


In the seventh century AD, the Islamic call appeared in the region of the Arabian Peninsula, spread and flourished until it reached the three aged continents of the world, from the Atlantic Ocean to the east and Indian Ocean and from Somalia in the south to Central Asia in the north. Several Islamic communities have been ascertained in sync with Islamic expansions, which were based on a great planning and urban renaissance, where Islamic urbanization was influenced by the architectural features of the countries that Muslims opened, such as the Greek, Sassanid, and Persian. Where Muslims mixed this great cultural heritage with the spirit of Islamic art and its value stemming from the spirit of this great religion. These cities achieved the functional and the spiritual dimension, which led to the emergence of urban patterns that express the Islamic society and its civilization. Hence, attention should be paid to the heritage in a practical way, through designs that respect this heritage and entrench its role in enriching society with spiritual values, as preserving the cultural heritage must take adequate attention from designers, so the technical methods differed in expressing the words that were lost.
Research Problem
The human scale of Islamic civilization is considered a reflection of the functional and spiritual values, which created the artistic, scientific and spiritual character of Islamic art that we miss in our modern era. Designers should show the role of privacy and symbolism and how to communicate to create a visual system for the inner and outer space through maintaining the human scale and highlighting its role in Islamic civilization.
The human scale - Islamic architecture - Islamic identity


Main Subjects

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