The problem of feedback in online education (reading facial features as a model)

Document Type : Original Article


université 8 Mai 1945 Guelma Algérie


This research sheds light on the problem of feedback in distance education, which is reading and analyzing the "emotional face features of learners". Analyzing learners helps find out their responses to the lesson, read their feelings, emotions, attitudes and even their thoughts, which will facilitate the teacher to interact, direct, evaluate, modify, and adapt the lesson, until it reaches their understanding and satisfaction. Distance education has become a prominent feature in all international universities. It is a basic indicator of development by which the extent of development of the educational system and the university institution is measured, as well as the level of competitiveness that the university can achieve. Many studies have created databases to analyze the phonological, mental, emotional and behavioral features associated with the learning process, whether as a cause or as a result of the learning behavior. The problem posed in our topic is the following question: Does the learner’s emotions have an important role in distance learning? To what extent can the feedback technique based on the features of the learner's face alleviate his negative emotions during learning? To what extent can the feedback technique based on the features of the learner's face extend the period of learning and stay in front of the computer for a longer time? The results were completely positive: they increased from 1 minute to 13 minutes, the percentage of positive emotions increased. If that indicates anything, it is indicative of the efficiency and importance of this technology in distance education, especially if researchers develop it further and expand the field of research in it.


Main Subjects

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