User’s behavior in the Space of the interactive Activity’s Hall

Document Type : Original Article


1 interior design and furniture department, applied art university, helwan

2 Professor of Administrator Design – Department of Interior Design and Furniture – Faculty of Applied Arts – Helwan University.

3 Professor of Design, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University


The interactive inner space has become an integral part of the internal spaces that aim to spread culture and learning, to facilitate the delivery of thought and culture to all groups of the interacting society within the vacuum in all its age groups and also urges them to be creative and innovative. The interior designer aims to integrate the interior space with interactive technology, To discover every new result of technological progress, it may start by trying to employ new materials that technology has produced.
And the research study here touched on to highlight the user's behavior inside the vacuum taking into consideration the type of activity taking place, and how to interact with the user by studying his behavior within the interactive activity environment to reach the highest efficiency and benefit from the interaction and integration between reality and imagination taking into account the requirements of functional, aesthetic, human and technological internal design.
The interactive activity environment is a virtual environment in which reality and imagination are combined using modern methods and techniques, in which different forms of interaction between the user and the user occur, and between the user and another and finally between the user and interactive space tools and design elements. The interaction environment is an integrated continuous interactive circle through the compatibility of internal design elements such as walls, floors, roofs and work surfaces to serve the activity in the internal space with a study of the age group of users and their requirements and psychological and technological factors during the interaction; hence, that system is activated by choosing the appropriate interactive system to serve and enhance the requirements of the internal space Interactive.
Thus, the circle of interaction within the vacuum is closed by the presence of an integrated vacuum in terms of the interactive system and communication between it and the user under the supervision of the specialist, and that the system includes methods for learning and innovation and obtaining new information related to the activity, the presence of specialists and educating those in work in the activity halls how to deal with and facilitate the interactive system On users.
With clarification by mentioning an application of interactive activity within the space of a digital interactive museum for children.


Main Subjects

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