Aesthetic and expressive values in the woodwork with experimental and new approaches to the manufactured wood veneer (an empirical study)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Artistic Works - Woodworking - Faculty of Art Education - Minia University


Benefiting from the formalities of the wood veneer is too important to achieve the expressive aspects of the woodwork , and the teaching of woodwork has been associated with experimental techniques and practices in the continuation of the experimentation process that helps in achieving the various expressive aspects of the woodwork , As well as achieving creative fields to take advantage of the aesthetics of wood veneer importance because of its abundant effects, imagination and linear shapes is a key factor in achieving many different artistic creations - the diversity of the material is an interesting way for the artist to use new techniques and practices and deal with the material in terms of its characteristics and specifications to reach its aesthetics that help in Creative artistic formulations through which the expressive aspects of the woodwork, which were implemented by art education students.
The aim of the current research is to identify new formulations through artistically methods and provide an opportunity to express using the mosaic method of the veneer flakes, find new entry points for the use of the wood veneer and exploit its expressive and formative capabilities in making various wooden paintings, keeping pace with the spirit of the times by arriving at expressive and formative formulations in Varied wooden tableware, and the importance of the research is due to trying to take advantage of the formative capabilities of the wood veneer to achieve expressive aspects and open new horizons for the use of natural veneer as one of the raw materials in a new style in Achieving expressive aspects of a varied woodwork and it is considered a new entry point for the teaching of the woodwork for the students of art education through a new visual vision in dealing with the wood material.
The research reached a set of results and recommendations, such as freedom from restrictions and monotony in the use of experimental practices in an attempt to reveal all that is new vision. Also, it is necessary to invest the experimental practices that achieve the technical values of the woodwork.


Main Subjects

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