coiling as a linear value for making ceramic wall tiles

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education, Aswan University


There are many materials that are used in wall tiles such as marble, granite and other materials used, and ceramic tiles remain the best solution because of its material used in it, which is a clay that has high flexibility, which makes it a rich material that reflects the diversity in formation and design, whether for the external shape of the tile or what it has Designs, motifs and formation style.
Egypt knew ceramic tiles in the era of the ancient state, where it appeared in the lining of the walls of the lower rooms of the Saqqara pyramid of the runway, and the wall tiles from inside and outside (inside and outside the buildi)
In this research, shaping with ropes was used as a line to make drawings inspired by the ancient Egyptian, such as scarab, lotus flower, and Nubian art, such as engineering decorations, baskets, and nature in Aswan, such as palm trees, camels, and the Nile to make internal ceramic wall tiles formed by ropes and to benefit from its directions, the diversity of its diameter, and the resulting aesthetic shape, and it was colored with colors inspired by The colors of ancient Egyptian art are green and blue
The research aims to enrich the wall tiles through the linear values of the formation of ropes.
The importance of research is to increase interest in ceramic wall tiles, and to provide an opportunity for art education students to work in the local market and to open new horizons for work in that field.
Results: The experiments were applied with the fourth year students at the Faculty of Specific Education, Aswan University, then the actual implementation was carried out with the graduation project students where ceramic wall tiles formed with ropes were installed and were installed in entrance No. 2 in the Nubia Museum in Aswan Governorate in an area of 28 square meters and through achieving this goal It resulted in positive results for students, including mastery of students forming with ropes through ceramic tiles, and this appeared in the implementation of designs inside the tile.


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