Pleasure in interactive Advertising

Document Type : Original Article


advertising,high institute of applied art, 6 October , Egypt


Technology plays a pivotal role in changing the emotional, and sensory formation of the recipient, which paved the way for the contemporary designer to introduce unconventional entrances with the aim of attracting attention in the advertising message.
Interactivity has advantages available to the designer in order to evaluate the alternatives that he has in a manner appropriate to the capabilities of the current recipient by studying his behavior, mental, emotional, and psychological capabilities, to achieve the best effect to advertise, in order to succeed in delivering his message to the target audience.
The pleasure defines that something as simple as happiness and fun is the easiest way to change the recipient’s behavior towards positivity, so that it benefits the individual and society,. Therefore, the research problem arises in how to use pleasure in interactive advertising and use it positively to change the mental energy of the recipient. The research also aims to benefit from pleasure in changing the recipient's behavior and inserting it in a unique sensory experience that contributes to changing his mental energy, which contributes to achieving sustainability of the product or service. Announced, and this is done through the use of research tools that enable research to navigate the knowledge of pleasure with a precise methodology means, which provides an opportunity to reach certain scientific results, one of the most important of which is the use of pleasure in advertising Interactivity changes the recipient's mental energy toward positivity to achieve sustainability for the advertised product or service.


Main Subjects

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مواقع الانترنت:
1- 2015
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