Flat formation techniques in ceramics as an input to qualify deaf and hard of hearing students for small projects

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Art Education - Faculty of Specific Education - Menoufia University - Ashmoun Menoufia


Art education is interested in providing practical solutions to address the problems of society, the most prominent of which is the storming of the unemployment crisis. Art education provides young people at various educational stages with various and varied artistic activities, and prepares the cultural and artistic category of youth to provide them with creativity opportunities to try to tackle this problem, and the importance of art education in its various fields To solve the unemployment crisis and raise the economic level of youth with special groups students, as they face more problems than healthy students.
students with hearing disabilities (deaf and dumb) are among the categories of students with special needs whose presence and integration with their healthy peers has become a global trend called by many Arab societies, including Egypt, and this is what happened with the (current sample) of students with hearing disabilities where they were attached In the Department of Art Education at the Faculty of Specific Education at the University of Menoufia, so that they will be among the students of healthy art education, in a serious scientific attempt to practice various technical skills, through qualification and training in various technical skills, so the current research has employed the techniques of flat formation of porcelain in you Create artworks that are the nucleus of a small production project, especially since such skills can be trained by this group to rely on observation and observation through sign language.
Small projects can be the way to eliminate unemployment, as they are industries that operate within relatively small enterprises that are owned, managed, and organized by youth to provide a good and put them on the market. This is what the researcher sought in the current research in training students with hearing disabilities to produce ceramic works based on benefiting from Flat shaping techniques by producing a group of tourist souvenirs, taking the Egyptian countryside elements as aesthetic elements for these products.


Main Subjects

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