Training Program for Enriching the Creative and Aesthetic Skills in Creating Designs of Indian Attire and decorating them Using Asiri art

Document Type : Original Article


Specific Education College - Mansoura University


Training is a modern and effective means of improvement and development. The training program contains a number of interrelated activities and procedures that are carried out at specific times and in concurrent planned and successive relationships using appropriate techniques to help trainees acquire information and skills in a particular field.
In this way, the research aims to determine the effectiveness of the training program in providing students with the knowledge and skills associated with the field of fashion design, Indian garment design, and enriching its aesthetic aspect.
Fashion design is defined as an innovative and renewed entity in its lines and colors, according to scientific bases. Therefore, the researcher found out that through teaching the course of the research project for female students (Faculty of Specific Education, University of Mansoura); can make use of Asiri Art in enriching the creative and aesthetic skills in designing Indian attire. In achieving this, the descriptive method is used in collecting the data required for the preparation of the training program in addition to the experimental approach in applying the content to the research sample that consists of (30 students). The researcher followed the pre- and post-test method of the research sample to calculate the statistical differences between the students' response to knowledge and skills (before / after). The results showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of female students in the knowledge as well as the skills, acquired in designing and enriching the Indian dress with Asiri ornamental decorations, before and after training, for the benefit of post-application. Thus, the study confirms the effectiveness of the training program in developing the creative skills of the students of the course of Research Project by quoting from the popular folk heritage in designing Indian attire.


Main Subjects

المراجع العربية

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