Contemporary Portraiture Creative Inspirations for Fashion Designers

Document Type : Original Article


Clothing and Textiles Department- Faculty of Home Economics - Helwan University- Cairo -Egypt


Portraiture is an artistic representation in the form of a painting, photo, and sculpture of a person in a confrontational or lateral situation, drawing the character from the point of view of the artist who paints it. Contemporary artists dealt with portraiture in many ways in which they deviated from the classical style in various types of contemporary arts. Fashion design is a creative work that depends on the inspiration of designers from a variety of creative inspirations; the designer is in constant search for new and unconventional sources in an attempt to produce innovative and original artwork. The current study is primarily an applied study based on inspiration from the works of plastic artists of portraiture for designing contemporary fashion, as the researcher noticed that many Egyptian fashion designers, when inspire by other arts such as painting or sculptures, they transfer the lines, spaces and colors in the proposed fashion design, almost inspirations is a locating of the original artwork lines on proposed fashion cutline, , that loses the aesthetic artistic reference of the original artwork. The current study draws the attention of fashion designers to the aesthetics of preserving the identity of original artwork. The research follows the artistic method, which is a scientific methodology compatible with creative studies such as art and design, which deals with the topics of creative thinking and fluency of ideas and high flexibility in the sensitivity to problems. The results of the study are represented in designing a fashion collection entitled "Portrait"
Key Words: Portraiture - Fashion design - Fashion inspiration - Contemporary art - Contemporary fashion


Main Subjects

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