Introduction to sustainable preservation of antique buildings ... A case study of civil heritage buildings in the city of Fouh -   Kafr Al sheikh governorate

Document Type : Original Article


1 department of architecture - faculty of engineering - kafr alshaikh university

2 department of architecture , faculty of engineering , mansoura university


Until the twentieth century, the heritage buildings were considered as museum pieces that stand alone without attention to the site around without benefiting from them to society, However, since the sixties of the last century, the global trend of preservation of the archaeological building has changed to the preservation of archeological sites, which have been considered a tourist market which can contribute to supporting the economy. There is also a growing awareness of the need to exploit heritage buildings economically to achieve a return sufficient for the costs of periodic maintenance. To provide solutions to some population problems achieving sustainable development requires the integration of several factors that are evident in three main areas: economic development, conservation of natural and environmental resources, social development, and the use of the conservation approach in its comprehensive sense. The sustainable development of heritage buildings will make the best use of available resources and preserve it in its original state for future generations.
And to re-exploit them to achieve an economic return sufficient for the costs of periodic maintenance and development of the archaeological area to become a tourist market contributes to the economic development of the population of the region and can be exploited socially to provide solutions to some of the problems of the population in the archaeological area, and conservation process meets the needs of historical areas to introduce the necessary facilities and services with The commitment not to damage archeological buildings and thus achieve sustainable development in all three directions.
The city of Fuwah is considered the third most important Islamic heritage city in Egypt after the historic cities of Cairo and Rashid. It is located in the governorate of Kafr al-Sheikh. It includes a large number of archaeological buildings that represent different Islamic ages, it contains many mosques, angles, alleys and houses, the number of archaeological mosques in it is about 365 mosques, The research aims to study models of heritage buildings in Fuwah to envisage the process of sustainable conservation of them to achieve the three main axes of sustainable development.


Main Subjects

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