variables related to the methods of implementing computer augmented education programs as an introduction to textile teaching for art education student of faculty of specific education

Document Type : Original Article


Textile lecture - Department of Art Education – Faculty of Specific Education – Mansoura University


The new exceptional situation imposed a set of changes and transformations in education to adapt to the current situation. The whole world is in an emergency as a result of the virus (Covid 19) known as Corona, which caused global anxiety and a state of panic and fear for its rapid and terrifying spread to most of the regions of the world, mm The researchers made a move towards the digitization of education and came the calls (distance learning) that accompanied the spread of the virus to counter its negative effects on education.
The researcher deals with the concept of computer-augmented education as one of the advanced methods of education to face such conditions as it is considered an important concept in the educational activity and is not a separate alternative to the faculty member, and many specialists attribute the reason for misunderstanding this concept to many attempts by those responsible for education to propose to present this concept As a new way to teach textile, and in this proposal an aspect of the truth as this concept can have a lot to offer in the field of textile education, especially if the technological interaction processes with the performance of the faculty member through the concept of education management with the computer, which It means the use of computers for the purpose of organizing and managing education.
The research aimed to find modern approaches to use computer-aided education programs as an introduction to textile teaching and to find new approaches to enrich the technical and applied practices of weaving. The research focused on the use of the computer's interactive roles in employing the technical elements in textile aesthetics.


Main Subjects

  1. المراجــــع

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