The Merging mechanisms of interactive techniques in printed Advertising applications and its applicability in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Advertising department faculty of applied arts Benha university


The multiple applications of interactive technologies in advertising have shown great future challenges, especially with regard to their integration in printed advertising. The developed countries set out to invest in transforming these technologies into the design of the printed advertisement into an element of attraction and dazzling recipient, rather, it went beyond realizing a tangible benefit that would make the recipient satisfied with the advertisement, the advertised product, and the interactive experience as a whole. At the same time, applying these interactive technologies in the printed advertisement in Egypt faces many obstacles and challenges.
The actual reality of interactive systems practices in the field of advertising in general, and printed advertising in particular, are linked to future trends that reformulate and re-use of these interactive technologies in the printed advertising, which aims to move from the receiving individual case to interactive receiving two-way system in the printed advertisement. It becomes possible depending on the systems and rules of interactive techniques and the possibility of integrating these technique easily into the design of the printed advertisement, as achieving them is a different challenge for the designer because it deals systematically with a different amount of quantitative and non-quantitative variables in the advertising design.
The research problem arises from the need to develop a vision for the possibility of applying interactive technologies in the design of printed advertising in Egypt.
This research aims to monitor the characteristics and mechanisms of incorporating multiple applications of interactive technologies into printed advertising and their applicability in Egypt.


Main Subjects

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