A new educational unit to enhance the skillful performance of home economics students in the graduation project

Document Type : Original Article


Fayoum university faculty of educational quality


. The study aimed to prepare a new educational unit based on making use of cotton fabric residues to implement a child's room furnishings by various technical methods and was applied to students during the "graduation project" subject because the graduation project material is taught as a practical subject only so a new unit was proposed that relies on the previous theoretical information at Students during the four years in the various specialization subjects which include (sewing and embroidery skills) and the research problem gets rid of the following questions:
1-What is the possibility of preparing a new educational unit in the graduation project to take advantage of the fabric residue to implement child room furnishings?
2- Are there statistically significant differences between the average scores for the post-test in favor of the post-test?
3- How satisfied are the producers and consumers of mothers with the proposed designs?The importance of research: developing the students ’creative thinking to keep pace with modern trends in education. Study how to make optimal use of ready-to-wear exhausts, fabric residues and be the nucleus for small projects. The proposed designs could provide a portion of the financial return for the Egyptian family spent on purchasing children's furniture, using the leftover fabrics. The research tools consisted of the following: 1- The newly created educational unit.
2- The skill performance test (before and after) to measure the skill performance of the applications. 3- A note card for the students. Research methodology: The research used the experimental one-group approach where the same skill test was applied to the same group before and after to measure the effectiveness of the unit developed for recycling fabric residues using technical methods to implement child room furnishings. The unit was judged by specialists (curricula and teaching methods, clothes and fabric), a pre-post skill test was prepared, a note card was prepared for the performance of students, a questionnaire was prepared for the arbitration of designs by specialists and consisted of two axes, the first includes (three phrases) and the second includes (six phrases)The most important results were the presence of statistically significant differences between the average grades of female students in favor of dimensional application, and the designs were judged by specialists It was a child's room furnishings of fabric residues in various technical methods consisting of (baby quilt - curtain - pillow - Pending (number 15) design.


Main Subjects

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