The Plastic and Aesthetic Simulation of Decorative Iron as an Approach for the Development of Artistic-work to Face Market Challenges

Document Type : Original Article


College education quality. Tanta University


Several studies emphasized the need to prepare and qualify a student and graduate of the arts well to face the challenges of the labor market, to be effective in developing society in all aspects, especially economic ones, this can be done through directing small productive projects, especially in the technical fields that contribute significantly to support Economy and society.
A new technical entrance to a productive project can be provided to be a maximum of small or large art products with small casualty and valuable values, with cheap cargoes and available in local markets as well as ease of dealing and formulated, which has a positive impact on the preposition and attention of members of the community to those products, reflecting the success of its production as a production project facing the challenges of the labor market.
Accordingly, the researcher has moved towards benefiting from the fine dimensions and aesthetic values of the decorative iron as one of the rich arts with its multiple patterns and styles, to make artistic works suitable to be the nucleus of one of the small productive projects, and then the researcher chose the polystyrene material due to its plastic and formal features and features It can mimic the appearance and not the function of decorative iron, as many decorative elements and units can be implemented in an easy and fast way, and the production of artifacts works as a small production project for young graduates, and the problem of research lies in shedding light on my potential Dimensional simulation of plastic and aesthetic values of iron art decorative through polycarbonate raw polystyrene for the production of artistic artifacts suitable as a small production for young people to the challenges facing the labor market.


Main Subjects

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