The Khyamya as a source for Fashion Design by Draping in the Light of Demolition and Reconstruction

Document Type : Original Article


1 Menia Al Kamh, Sharkia, Egypt


3 Benha University


You can take advantage of modern artistic trends, heritage arts, and techniques for fashion design to achieve excellence in the field of fashion by studying the direction of demolition and rebuilding as a modern artistic direction and the tent as one of the traditional methods and techniques and employing them in fashion design with the technique of formation on the mannequin, where the direction of demolition and rebuilding is a philosophy It is based on revealing a contradictory and destabilizing meaning, and the ideals of deconstruction have been applied in other areas of cultural fields, including in that architecture, music and fashion, this meant that some began to question the future perceptions of how clothes were built and their position in relation to beauty concepts and has allowed Dismantling multiple perspectives on personality and fashion look to get just as important. In the end, this has led to the diversity of the current models that we see in the street today, and Khyamya is considered one of the first crafts and manual works that people learned and practiced to make a shelter for him from the cloth, after he made the huts. The tents industry has evolved since the era of the Fatimid state, where the Egyptian artist thought of inserting joy into his residence, and developed and began weaving it from colorful fabrics using old Arab designs and decorations. The mannequin has an accurate method of obtaining the clothes or models necessary for the garment industry, and it depends on the accuracy and skill of the person in the work. It gives guaranteed results in terms of degree of control and saves time if done in a proper way.
Twelve design proposals were made and evaluated by specialists and academics in the field of clothing and fashion, and evaluated by the questionnaire and the results of the statistical transactions of their opinions came in favor of the subject of the research.


Main Subjects

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