The use of pottery and ceramics in the games industry at the ancient Egyptian civilization "An analytical study"

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education, Aswan University


The ancient Egyptians excelled in many fields such as agriculture, industry, arts, architecture, sculpture and ceramics, as well as in the entertainment side, whether for adults or children, such as dance, music, and cellular games such as playing ball, firewood, swimming, and many games that we see children playing in villages and popular neighborhoods today, as well as in making games such as aging and dolls. Moving with strings, a rotating bee, and intelligence games such as "Cenet", "Snake", "Dog and Jackal", and was used in making many materials such as pottery, porcelain, wood, and ivory.
The availability of local clay and various minerals in the use of pottery and pottery helped in making many of these games, whether they were all made of pottery or porcelain, or both were used to inoculate other materials.
Hence the research problem comes in the following question:
1- How was pottery and pottery used to make toys in ancient Egyptian civilization?
2- What are the pottery and porcelain techniques used in making games in the ancient Egyptian civilization?
Research imposition: The study of games in ancient Egyptian civilization helps in identifying the pottery and ceramics techniques used in their manufacture.
Objective: The research aims to extract the most important pottery and ceramics techniques used in making toys in ancient Egyptian civilization.
Results: Through studying and analyzing a set of games that pottery and ceramics were used in making, the researcher classified these games into recreational games, the purpose of which was fun and entertainment for children and to introduce pleasure to them, mental games that concerned with the realization of the mind before entertainment, and musical games that they used in parties and religious rituals, With recognition of the techniques used in making games in terms of formation and decoration methods, and the materials used, as well as in terms of color and glass coatings that characterized these games


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