The Aesthetic Values of Abstract Construction in the Bauhaus School and the Design of the Printing of Contemporary Furnishing Fabrics

Document Type : Original Article


1 Freelance Engineer - Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University

2 Professor of Design, Textile Printing, Dyeing and Finishing Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 Professor of Design, Department of Textile Printing, Dyeing and Finishing, - Faculty of applied arts- Bnha University.


Intellectual and philosophical concepts have developed throughout the history of plastic art since the beginning of ancient times until now, and many artistic movements have been formed that accompanied human development in many fields and the contemporary artist's benefit from scientific, technological and industrial progress and the use of the machine. Architecture and industrial design, as it removed the barriers between what is beautiful and what is applied, and walked a new thought in art, as architects and designers presented new theories that correspond to the needs of the times.

The designer of textile printing always needs special features and creative inputs to enrich his design performance and obtain distinct designs. Therefore, the researcher resorted to take advantage of the aesthetic and artistic values of the (Bauhaus) school, which is considered one of the most important streams of modern art with influence in several fields, including engineering, graphic design, architecture.
In this study, the researcher will address the most famous technical schools, the Bauhaus School, in addition to its prowess and formative achievements compatible with uplifting public taste, enriching the field of textile printing design, Where the research includes an artistic study of the (Bauhaus) school in terms of the idea and foundations of the school, its goals, its style and its structural system, an artistic study of the most famous school artists (the Bauhaus) such as (Kandinsky, Paul Klee and Bet Mondrian) and a descriptive and artistic analysis of some of their artistic works where the research shows how to benefit From the abstract trends of the school artists to invent a print design with a new aesthetic vision suitable for contemporary furnishing fabrics, the research deals with the presentation of an experimental study (innovative solutions) by taking advantage of the technical and aesthetic foundations of the artists of the (Bauhaus) school through a set of design ideas and different color solutions for it with a presentation of some models That was implemented.


Main Subjects

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