Suitability of The Interior Design Materials for The Child in Light of Digital Technology

Document Type : Original Article


1 interior design - faculty of applied arts _ Helwan university

2 Interior Design and furniture Department- Faculty of Applied Arts- Helwan University

3 Professor of Design, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University


Childhood is considered one of the most important stages of life a person is going through and is the first imprint for a person in his life and it is a formative stage in which the basis of the personality of the individual is formed and during which he acquires a set of habits, traditions and behaviors that qualify his compatibility with his natural and social environment and where the experiences with which the child interacts at this stage lead To develop his capabilities and talents and define the main features that he will have in the future.
The researchers and scholars in the fields of childhood have taken care of the child to develop his abilities, and this was not limited to educators only, but the field of internal design did not neglect this.
And the child has an important role in the design process, where we find that
The child is a major user of vacuum and accordingly, the child's behavior is monitored when using the vacuum and then knowing the extent of his response to the design and this is done by setting up surveillance cameras and we analyze the child's behavior inside the vacuum, also the child contributes during the design process to test things that are designed to know the extent of their suitability For the child and to ensure her safety, and the child also has a role as a given design data; As the design is for the child, the child is considered the main source for collecting data and information required to make the appropriate design.
The materials of the interior design were affected by the modern digital technology
in a big way, As smart materials and Nano_Technology materials appeared and the materials developed greatly in terms of flexibility and freedom in formation, which allowed the designer to freely and fluently design without adhering to certain materials and because the materials used in the interior design affect the users of the vacuum, especially the child had to From studying these materials and devising appropriate examples for the child to deal with, there are materials that may negatively affect the child and do not achieve safety elements for him, so the child may be harmed as these materials and inert materials must be characterized by durability, ease of maintenance and flexibility so that the child is not harmed when colliding with them.


Main Subjects

المراجع :
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ثالثا المواقع الاليکترونية : / /material-jelly-tiles
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