Religious Structures In Ain Ghazal(East Field) East of Jordan River during Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (LPPNB)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Egyptology.faculty of archaeology.Cairo university.cairo

2 Egyptology Department , Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University.


Abstract: The study deals with religious buildings in the Ain Ghazal site in south of Levant, The buildings Which were founded to practice rituals during the late Pre- Pottery Neolithic B (LPPNB). these buildings had special features concerning their location, planand ,architectural elements and also tools. number of non-residential buildings have been distinguished in the site Ain Ghazal , which is divided into three parts, namely the central, northern and eastern Fields. The research deals in detai study of the religious buildings only in the eastern area, in which two buildings were found for the LPPNB period. They were characterized by unique architectural elements such as the erected stone pillars, the Altar, Hearths, and the designation of an area as "the Holy of Holies", which It is considered the oldest appearance of this element in ancient architecture. However, only a few ritual devices were found in the buildings that may have been stolen or moved to prevent damage in the event of the collapse of the building, Due to the absence of tools in the buildings of the LPPNB period, it was difficult to know the rites practiced inside. At anyrate, these buildings refer to the spread out of the intellectual development of a society at this stage, both in terms of architectural and the extent of the development of religious thoughts and concern to practice worship, as well as choosing a specific site perhaps to give the sacred attitude to the religious place the seat of worship and governance.


Main Subjects

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مراجع الأشکال والخرائط
Ali, Nabil. The Restructuring of Socio-Economic Relations during the LPPNB in the Southern Levant and the Role of Ritual Buildings, Jordan Journal  for History and Archaeology، Volume IV, No.1, 2010.
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Rollefson, Gary.  Early Neolithic Ritual Centers in the Southern Levant, in, Dialogue on The Early Neolithic Origin of Ritual Centers,  NEO-LITHICS 2/05, The Newsletter of Southwest Asian Neolithic Research.
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قائمة الاختصارات:
NEO-LITHICS: The Newsletter of Southwest Asian Neolithic Research.
ACOR: The American Center of Oriental Research.
AJA: American Journal of Archaeology.
ADAJ: Annual Of  The Department Of Antiquities Of Jordan.
JFA: Journal of Field Archaeology.
JJHA: Jordan Journal For History and Archaeology.
ANES: Ancient Near Eastern Studies.