Imagination and Cinema (applied to the movie Erq al-Balah)

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of applied arts - October 6 university


Imagination is subject to perception and both emotions, experiences, motivations, and expectations affect perception. Imagination has a great role in most aspects of life and human interactions, and it appears strongly in different arts, and it cannot be limited to a specific gender, age or culture, and so imagination appears in many aspects of life, but when we talk about cinema, the matter needs to be studied. An attack that takes shape around the concept of the film’s realism and that it copied or transmitted the reality, which put the movie in front of a problem when studying imagination in the movie.
Research problem: Some people questioned the extent of the imagination achieved in the cinematic experience, The film was most attacked by its reality, in an attempt to deny the characteristic of creativity about it, which puts the movie in a problem when training to study imagination in it , also there is no study of fiction in film visual / audio. The importance of research: The study of fiction in cinematic film adds an important vocabulary to the vocabulary of studying film. The study also introduces a new element to the elements of film analysis and study it during the film's structure. Research Objectives: Exploring some aspects of cinematic fiction, as studying fiction as one of the main elements of cinema that depends on its visual / audio structure. Research Methodology: Analytical descriptive. Conclusions, creative imagination occupies a large part of the fabric of the film. The cinema presents this pure imagination in a visual way looks like reality. Imagination is not only related to fictional cinema, but it also appears in all types of film gender through various elements of the film and its adaptation by the creator during the movie.


Main Subjects

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