Necessary considerations for drawing halls in Interior design

Document Type : Original Article


Higher Technological Institute ( HTI)


The orientation of these halls with appropriate direction from north to east and taking into account the good design of them well must take into account to obtain a greater use of the internal space and achieve the space required to be available for each student, which allows the space to work and take into account the movement, provided that it is approximately equivalent to 20% of the total areas of the hall.
When thinking about designing drawing halls , consideration must be given to the type of studio required in terms of being an open or closed studio , as the open studio is an open area that can be divided into moving partitions to suit different working positions , This type of drawing is characterized by creating a comfortable physical medium due to the flexibility that provided by these halls , as for the closed studio , it is a small confined space in which there is no optical or physical communication between it and other areas of the ceremonies and halls . These ceremonies are characterized by the ability to reduce noise, sound and good control.

The researcher put forward a set of design ideas that illustrate the internal treatment methods for the drawing halls of the Al Shorouk Academy in order to benefit from its design lines and apply them to the drawing rooms in various places in the academies and colleges of art in Egypt, which contributes mainly to the drawing up of all stages of design from proposing the initial ideas of the project - to the hall To make models, workshops, an exhibition and a seminar to discuss projects ..........


Main Subjects

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