Academic Library as an Entrance for Developing of Creative Thinking Skills in the Light of Interior Design and Printed Hanging Textiles

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of applied art Damietta university

2 Faculty of applied arts - damietta


Technological development in society and the new variables have created new concepts and terms in the field of design, such as digital design, virtual design, and electronic environment. These concepts affected academic libraries that play an important role in teaching and learning process which forced the designer to rethink of the internal spaces of academic libraries and also shed light on the printed hanging textiles in order to preserve the role of these libraries in achieving the goals of educational process and developing of student's creative and research ability as well as fulfilling the requirements of the educational institutions.

Based on country’s directions which adopted slogan (create…launch), the research's interest appears in developing of creative thinking skills of the university student which considered the goal of universities and institutions in Egypt, as it provides individuals with strategies through which they can deal with the environment. This can be through the development of libraries by reshaping of internal spaces using printed hanging textiles to create and establish some activities and events. In addition, identifying some separate areas within the space to be an integrated part within the whole interior planning of the space in order to achieve functional efficiency and be appropriate to student's thinking and requirements in the modern era.

The research problem is summarized in the ignoring of academic libraries in universities for some education and learning methods which involved in the developing of creative thinking skills in the first and second university stages and to the student's variable needs through untapped and unused internal spaces to achieve the highest functional efficiency for both library and students.

Thus, the main question is: Do printed hanging textiles have a role in interior design works to raise the functional efficiency of the library to have a positive effective role on development of the student's creative thinking? The research aims to create a new design vision for the interior space of a library using printed hanging textiles to attract students to the library to become a part of his/her educational and knowledge entity; and a nucleus for artistic and technical creation through survey and analytical studies.


Main Subjects

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