Interior design and furnishing criteria for Group workspaces to achieve work environment that stimulates creativity and innovation

Document Type : Original Article


1 Interior design, Faculty of Applied art, Damietta university, Egypt

2 Interior design and furniture , Faculty of Applied Arts,Damietta University,Egypt

3 Professor - Faculty of Fine Arts - Mansoura University-Egypt


The friendship between co-workers, it promotes teamwork, communication and cooperation. Workplace friendships were associated with many positive outcomes, such as increased job satisfaction, job participation, job performance, team cohesion, and organizational commitment. Therefore, interaction and participation among the members of the work group is one of the most important sources of institution success.
The importance of designing teamwork spaces is because work activities are no longer seen as a collection of isolated independent actions, but as a complex alliance of human behavior and environmental resources. The workspace is no longer simply the site of cooperative activity but is, in fact, an essential part of that same collaboration. Work groups in harmony and cooperation with each other increase performance and increase productivity, in terms of quantity and quality. It has emerged that the nature of cooperation is making a wide shift towards small-unplanned informal meetings and away from lengthy formal interactions, which has a great influence on the design of these spaces. The research problem lies in the extent of the impact of the interior design of the work group spaces on cooperation, participation and innovation, and the impact of this on increasing productivity and work efficiency. The research aims to define the criteria that must be applied when designing and planning work group spaces of all kinds, formal and informal. The research discusses the nature of a work group, its characteristics and types, the advantages and disadvantages resulting from the formation of these groups and their impact on productivity and work efficiency. Then discussing the characteristics of the spaces of the group and the types of spaces suitable for each group, as well as the human needs of the work group within the work environment, and the research reached methods for planning, organizing and criteria for the success of the work group spaces to achieve successful and high efficiency collective spaces. The descriptive and analytical approach were used as a criterion to confirm the role of interior design for group spaces, which increases productivity and increases work efficiency.


Main Subjects

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