The philosophy of the mythological chronological dimension as a narrative dimension in the formulation and formation of the internal space

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Higher Institute of Applied Arts, Fifth Settlement


This research deals with the clarification of the philosophy of the dimensional mythology, the ancient graph in the architectural drawing in the interior space. The subject of this research revolves around some contemporary architects of the legacies, symbols and stories of the world’s mythology, the main structure in their designs and is expressed architecturally. Where the number of cultural heritage buried in the design of the architecture. In recent times, it has been found that modern architecture takes blocks and shapes that appear strange and new, And the presence of figurative, figurative entities in the basis of these formations link the contemporary sculptural masses with the mythology of the ancient world that appears in formal and intellectual symbolism. This research deals with the places of projection of the mythology of the ancient world on some of the concepts of contemporary architectural design from which philosophical ideas emerged within the framework of a set of heritage cultural systems. Such as religious stories, myths, and the different mythological branches of ancient civilizations. Therefore, these systems are the governing entity within the design process through the system or structure borrowed from this mythological branch.As humanity presented a legacy of beliefs and myths with which nations expressed their divergent theories about the universe, creation and the secrets of life. Man learned the methods by which this heritage was recorded in what is known as (the science of mythology or the science of collecting and knowing beliefs and myths). On tablets and murals in the form of inscriptions or transmitted orally, such as stories, or in concrete, such as monuments and excavations Where some architects see that the legacies of the past are suitable as sources of inspiration on which the design idea is based in a way that enriches the architectural work, which may be reflected on visitors by increasing interaction with the spaces of the building. An architectural characteristic of civilizations, so the mythological sources from which ideas are borrowed, which usually stand as an obstacle and a mystery that are difficult for the community of the public to understand are explored.


Main Subjects

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