Illustrations of the manuscript of the letters of the Ikhwan al-Safa and Khalan al-Wafa

Document Type : Original Article


1 Cairo university, faculty of archaeology, islamic master of arts

2 Archeology faculty, Cairo university


We find that the Ikhwan al-Safa and Wafa Hullan are a group of Muslim philosophers who are more deceiving than the Arabs of the fourth century AH, Xralamelada, who tried to reconcile Islamic beliefs with the philosophical facts known in those days.
The existing theories are that Arab photography disappeared after the Mongol invasion and replaced it with the characteristics of Mongolian photography influenced by China and Asia to become a new theory in front of saying the continuation of the Arab school even after the Mongolian invasion of Baghdad.
Although Baghdad was once the seat of power during the rule of the Ilkhanate, it did not migrate and continued to have a political role throughout the thirteenth century.
There are two well-known manuscripts dating back to the end of the thirteenth century, one of which is the encyclopedic text of the Epistles of the Brethren of Purity and Khallan Al-Wafa.
We have embodied the most wonderful embodiment of the style of the Baghdad School, after its maturity and the flow of creative vitality, although it ended it at the end of the East.
And they said that they chose the story on the animal’s tongue because (it was more eloquent in speeches, clearer in speech and amazed in tales, the most beautiful in the ears, the most interesting in the benefits, the diving in and the best in consideration).
Therefore, they deliberately sought to protect themselves as a result of their outright revolt against the prevailing social, economic, and even political conditions of their time.
As for the concept of friendship for the Brothers of Purity and their definition of love and brotherhood, it can be explained in the following points.
Not everyone deserves to be friends
The Ikhwan al-Safa 'warns their followers from people and from strangers, because not everyone is fit to be friends, and not everyone deserves trust and affection.


Main Subjects

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