Stereotype and Social Meaning in TV Advertising

Document Type : Original Article


1 professor at advertising department at faculty of applied arts

2 Advertising Department, Faculty Of Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 Advertising Department, faculty of applied arts, Helwan University, Giza


The relationship between advertising, culture and values of society is complex and not a simple linear relationship as the relationship of cause to the result, just as the culture and values of society affect advertising, advertising in turn affects the cultural environment of society, Due to the large and varied of products, each product must be distinguished from the other in a mental way, which is the social sense in its interaction with society, the research sought to answer the question: to what extent does changing the stereotype of social meaning contribute to the advertisement to paint a positive mental image of the declared product? The research was interested in studying the stereotype and social meaning in the ad and its impact on the composition of the mental image of the declared product, the goal of the research to emphasize the drawing of a positive mental image of the declared product by changing the stereotype and social meaning in advertising, assuming that changing the stereotype in advertising contributes to the building of a positive mental image of the advertised product, and follow the research descriptive and analytical method in describing the subject of research through the theoretical framework to study analytical for a range of advertisements and the conclusions, and the limits of the research were Analysis of advertising models of the concept of stereotype and social meaning in the construction of the ad message in the Egyptian television ad, and the research concluded that the recipient is looking for value and not the product, when linking brands to a meaningful social sense and this is what distinguishes the brand from any other brand in order to distinguish and create a positive mental image of the advertised product, and ended the search to the recommendation that the advertising personalities presented in advertising and different social roles that change from generation to generation and then change the stereotype So that the ad will keep pace with the current era.


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