Grasshopper program to application of the parametric design trend in creating designs for women printed fabrics

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Technical Education and Industrial, Faculty of Education , Helwan university

2 Textile Printing, Dyeing and Finishing, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 Professor in Faculty of Education, Department of Technical and Industrial Education, Helwan University.

4 Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University, Dokki, Giza


The digital revolution provided tremendous potentials that helped develop digital technology and adapt it to draw new languages and vocabulary for the design process, which made the design process a creative process without obstacles, as it opened many and many horizons for designers to start and innovate, which resulted in unprecedented design formations.
Where the research aims to create new designs in the field of textile printing design, using the advanced computer technology represented by the “Grasshopper” program through the direction of parametric design, and to find new plastic formulas for the printed designs of women's fabrics and to provide distinct employment visions for them.
The theoretical framework is the study of the different systems for modeling using the computer and the Grasshopper program as one of the parametric modeling programs. The applied framework is to study the subjective experience of the study by studying a new approach to create design elements and generate design ideas for printing women's fabrics in light of the parametric trend. By means of computer programs specialized in the field of parametric design direction, they refer to the elementary elements that are formed together using a number of clearly defined variables and constraints. And the final completed form can be modified and modified by the designer.
Computer software helped facilitate the formation and training of the designer. It provided him with a wide range of ideas that were not possible before. With the help of CAD programs ((computer aided design and CAM computer aided manufacturing)), the designer was able to deviate from the traditional forms in design, the trend of parametric design is the closest in applying the developments of modern digital technology to plastic art in its various artistic and engineering fields. On several mathematical theories and calculations and trying to agree with them in the form represents a rather recent trend in terms of repetition method, plastic construction and design elements to produce a contemporary design in the most magnificent.


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