Pairing between silhouettes and multiple levels in weaving

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of specific education, tanta universty


Pairing between silhouettes and multiple levels in weaving
Research Summary:
The current research aims to reformulate the composition on the frame loom as a constructive tool to achieve depth, space and multiple levels in weaving by making use of the silhouette that are an appropriate aesthetic input to enrich the manual formation of contemporary weaving to develop the capabilities of designing and weaving in which the design is linked to the technique of implementation to create innovation Created multi-level weaving. The research presented experimental practices through one experimental group (students of the first group - the Faculty of Specific Education - Tanta University) using woolen threads of one color or gradient colors, and some decorative threads with prominent filaments and tie wire. Executed in the tapestry style, with prominent textile structures and rug technique with designs and applied visions (twenty woven weaves) representing landscapes from the Egyptian environment of trees and different angles of the intersections of its branches) and the results reached to overcome the problems of flatness method of the first year students, And to achieve the combination of silhouette and multiple levels in the textile work to enrich the artistic values with it.
The use of manual frame loom techniques has also been reformulated through the use of the front and back of the loom to produce multi-level silhouette and use it in the educational field as an innovative approach to teaching hand weaving.. In the end, the study presented a number of recommendations and proposals.
Keyword: frame loom, silhouette, hand woven, multiple levels
Keyword: frame loom, silhouette, hand woven, multiple levels
Keyword: frame loom, silhouette, hand woven, multiple levels


Main Subjects

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رابعا: مواقع الانترنت: