The Plague of 749 H 1348 A.D and its Impact on Eygpt During the Reign of Sultan Alnasser Hassan

Document Type : Original Article


faculity of Arts Kafr Elsheikh universty


-Egypt was over helmed by some of fatal infections during the era of Mamuliks (648-923) which came on top of them all that plague of the year (749) which left demographic , social , economic and political influences – That was the plague swept Belad Al-Sham , Hejaz and Egypt during the era of Sultan (Al-Nasser Hassan) and its peak was at the west of Europe and it lasted for seven years which led to goods shortage which was best described by (Ibn Aias) : "Egypt was about to be destroyed at that year due to high prices and deaths as this plague infected cats , dogs and beasts as I saw some of them lying in the wild carrying this epidemic under its inner-arm , also horses , camels, dogs and even birds such as ostrich "-
-This study aims at casting the shadow on the aspects of this plague of the year (749) such as immigration and its positive and negative effects on Egypt during this period in addition to the protective and cautious procedures done by the Mamulik Authority in order to reduce the spread of this epidemic throughout the Egyptian big cities such as reciting Saheeh Al-Bukhary , going out to the deserts and holding meetings in mosques and masjids
-Also , this study concentrates on the most important negative effects which this plague brought about like population's demographical re-distributing of all the Egyptian cities and districts , stopping Aza"n and praying at mosques located at the infected places , the decay of Agricultural activity especially harvest time due to the death of a great number of farmers and the stopping of navigation and fishing work –etc-


Main Subjects